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The ABC's of Summer Camp
Auction for fun and funds - please bring an item or service to offer. Automobiles will be parked away from tent areas (you could sleep in them).

Books on subjects of common interest will be available for sale.

Children's Program and cooperative child care, separate from adult activities.

Dogs and other pets not allowed anywhere on the sanctuary.

Exciting Excursions into personal growth.

Free time for connecting with others or solitude.

Gear for camping, flashlight, clothes, musical tapes and instruments, and other fun stuff. Bring it all.

Hugs will be available in great quantity.

Intimacy explored and nurtured, limited only by mutual choice.

Juicy, Joyful people to meet.

Kissing, etc., is great with clear consent.

Leave alcohol and recreational drugs at home.

Men's groups, women's groups, and mixed sharing abound.

New friends and New ideas are likely.

Optional clothing environment.

Pets are lovable, but please leave them at home.

Questions? We, too, have lots of unanswered ones. Come as a seeker.

RV's are great, but there are no hook-ups.

Showers are Shared in the great outdoors.

Time is structured with presenters and free time. Being on-Time for presentations is naturally respectful.

Underlying belief in transformation possibilities, love, intimacy, transparency, honesty, spirituality, genuine equality, compassion, choice, and sexual freedom through community.

Vegetarian, Vegan, and a few omnivarian meals prepared by loving hands.

Working together is one way we bond with each other, "Kitchen Dharma."

Xenophiles may be pleased.

"Yes" and "No" are valid choices that will be equally honored.

ZEGG inspired, but we are creating our own "New Culture."